With our progressive and holistic early childhood education philosophy, we understand that each child has unique needs and interests. We provide the environment and tools your child needs to thrive to the best of their abilities.
When we expose children to different environments and various learning experiences, we allow them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once they leave Little Einstein Academy, they’re fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives.
Little Einstein Academy is a licensed facility that provides a safe, clean, and appropriately equipped environment for infants, toddlers, and preschool children to use their imagination. All staff are qualified to reassure parents that their focus is to stimulate the children's physical, mental, social, emotional, and cognitive development through creativity. We believe that the first years of a child's life are the most important. We are helping to lay the foundation. Each day we feel privileged to have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a child., to join their laughter, and to be included in their life. This is how we have chosen to spend our days, with an enormous amount of patience. This coupled with our love for children makes us nurturing childcare providers.
L.E.A. promotes the importance and quality of Reading, Math, Computers, and Spanish (among other subjects). Little Einstein's offers affordable, high-quality, standards, expectations, commitment, and dedicated staff.
What makes Einstein different from everyone else is NOT his brain. It was his mind and creativity that was the basis of his genius. This is why our children need to have free play children need freedom and independence to build creativity. With a nurturing spirit, this is our academic mission.
As a parent, educator, and entrepreneur...I foster creativity and innovation. This by far is just as important or more than the knowledge you acquire. It's what you do with what you know. How will they apply what they have learned?